Packaging Handbook
Create a new recipe¶
You can run abra recipe new <recipe>
to generate a new ~/.abra/recipes/<recipe>
repository. The generated repository is a copy of coop-cloud/example
Hacking on an existing recipe¶
It is very advisable to disable any healthcheck: ...
while hacking on new recipes. This is because it is very easy to mess up
and it will stop Traefik or other web proxies routing the app. You can
enable a specific healthcheck later when your recipe is stable. The default
"unconfigured" healthcheck behaviour is much less strict and it's faster to
get something up and running.
If you want to make changes to an existing recipe then you can simply edit the files in ~/.abra/recipes/<recipe-name>
and run pass --chaos
to the deploy
command when deploying those changes. abra
will not deploy unstaged changes to avoid instability but you can tell it to do so with --chaos
. This means you can simply hack away on the existing recipe files on your local file system and then when something is working, submit a change request to the recipe upstream.
How is a recipe structured?¶
This is a compose specification compliant file that contains a list of: services, secrets, networks, volumes and configs. It describe what is needed to run an app. Whenever you deploy an app, abra
reads this file.
This file is a skeleton for environmental variables that should be adjusted by the user. Examples include: domain or PHP extension list. Whenever you create a new app with abra app new
this file gets copied to the ~/.abra/servers/<server-domain>/<app-domain>.env
and when you run abra app config <app-domain>
you're editing this file.
provides versions for configs that are vendored by the recipe maintainer. See this handbook entry for more.
After docker creates the filesystem and copies files into a new container it runs what's called an entrypoint. This is usually a shell script that exports some variables and runs the application. Sometimes the vendor entrypoint doesn't do everything that we need it to do. In that case you can write your own entrypoint, do whatever you need to do and then run the vendor entrypoint.
For a simple example check the for croc
. In this case, croc
needs the password to be exported as an environmental variable called CROC_PASS
, and that is exactly what the entrypoint does before running vendor entrypoint.
If you write your own entrypoint, it needs to be specified in the config
section of compose.yml. See this handbook entry for more.
This directory contains text files whose names correspond to the recipe versions which have been released and contain useful tips for operators who are doing upgrade work. See this handbook entry for more.
Optional compose files¶
I.e. compose.smtp.yml
. These are used to provide non-essential functionality such as (registration) e-mails or single sign on. These are typically loaded by specifying COMPOSE_FILE="compose.yml:compose.smtp.yml"
in your app .env
configuration. Then abra
learns to include these optional files at deploy time. abra
uses the usual docker-compose
configuration merging technique when merging all the compose.**.yml
files together at deploy time.
Additional configs¶
If you look at a compose.yml
file and see a configs
section, that means this compose file is putting files in the container. This might be used for changing default (vendor) configuration, such as this fpm-tune.ini file used to adjust php-fpm.
See this handbook entry for more.
Manage configs¶
To add additional files into the container, you can use Docker configs. This usually involves the following:
- Create the file and add it to your recipe repository
- Create an entry for this config in your
configs: ...
global stanza - Create an entry on the service configuration
configs: ...
stanza - Vendor a version in the
of the recipe
An example of a config is an entrypoint, a script run at container run time.
# compose.yml
- source: nginx_config
target: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
name: ${STACK_NAME}_nginx_config_${NGINX_CONFIG_VERSION}
file: nginx.conf.tmpl
template_driver: golang
Because configurations are maintained in-repository by maintainers, we version them ourselves. This means that configs changes are seamless to operators unless they cause breaking changes which should be signalled in the new version and release notes. This is in distinction to secrets, which are managed by the operators. For example, operators may need to rotate secrets on a running deployment and should be able to do so at any time. We put the versions in the
Manage environment variables¶
Please read this section carefully to avoid deployment footguns for the operators who deploy your recipe configuration. It's important to understand how to add new env vars into the recipe configuration in a non-breaking manner. Thanks for reading!
When you define an environment variable in an .env.sample
for a recipe, such as:
This defines an env var which then needs to be added by an operator to their app env file. If you would like to add an env var which is optional, you can do:
In order to expose this env var to recipe configuration, you pass this via the environment
stanza of a service config in the recipe like so:
Then your environment variable will be threaded into the running app at deploy time. If you run abra app run <domain> app env | grep FOO
then you'll see it exposed.
You can also access it in your configs using the following syntax:
{{ env "FOO" }}
Global environment variables¶
: specifies the recipe nameDOMAIN
: specifies the app domainLETS_ENCRYPT_ENV
: specifies the time in seconds to wait until all services have started and passed the health checksENABLE_AUTO_UPDATE
: if set totrue
, the auto-updaterkadabra
can update this app (see this auto updater entry for more)POST_DEPLOY_CMDS="<container> <command> <arguments>|<container> <command> <arguments>|... "
specifies commands that should be executed after eachabra app deploy
POST_UPGRADE_CMDS="<container> <command> <arguments>|<container> <command> <arguments>|... "
specifies commands that should be executed after eachabra app upgrade
Manage secret data¶
Adding a secret to your recipe is done:
- Create an entry in the
secrets: ...
global stanza - Add the
to your.env.sample
- Ensure that the secret is listed on the service configuration under
secrets: ...
It might look something like this:
# compose.yml
- db_password
external: true
Operators manage the secret versions themselves. So we provide a version hook in the environment variables which they control. This allows operators to deal with things like secret rotation without having to rely on recipe maintainers.
# .env.sample
If you need to access this secret in a config, say:
name: ${STACK_NAME}_someconfig_${SOME_CONFIG_VERSION}
template_driver: golang
Don't forget the template_driver: golang
, it won't work otherwise.
Then you can use the following syntax to access the secret:
# someconfig.conf
{{ secret "db_password"}}
Custom entrypoints¶
They can be useful to install additional dependencies or setup configuration that upstream doesn't have or want to have.
Here's a trimmed down config, the general idea is to create a new config and insert it into the container at a specific location and then have the compose configuration tell the underlying image to run this new script as the entrypoint.
You typically don't want to completely override the upstream entrypoint of the image you're using, so in the last line of your entrypoint, you can run the upstream entrypoint.
entrypoint: /
- source: app_entrypoint
target: /
mode: 0555
name: ${STACK_NAME}_app_entrypoint_${APP_ENTRYPOINT_VERSION}
template_driver: golang
Exposing secrets¶
Sometimes apps expect to find a secret in their environment which is not possible with the default compose configuration approach. This requires a hack using an entrypoint. The hack is basically this (assume we want to expose a secret called db_password
- Setup the secret as per usual in
secrets: ...
- Pass a
in via theenvironment: ...
- Create an entrypoint and inside it, use the following boilerplate.
set -e
file_env() {
local var="$1"
local fileVar="${var}_FILE"
local def="${2:-}"
if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
echo >&2 "error: both $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)"
exit 1
local val="$def"
if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then
elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
val="$(< "${!fileVar}")"
export "$var"="$val"
unset "$fileVar"
And then to expose your secret to the container environment use the following in a line below this function:
file_env "DB_PASSWORD"
is missing?¶
Sometimes the containers don't even have Bash installed on them. You had better just use /bin/sh
or, in your entrypoint script, install Bash The entrypoint secrets hack listed above doesn't work in this case (as it requires Bash), so instead you can just do
export FOO=$(cat /run/secrets/<secret-name>)
How do I reference services in configs?¶
When referencing an app
service in a config file, you should prefix with the STACK_NAME
to avoid namespace conflicts (because all these containers sit on the traefik overlay network). You might want to do something like this {{ env "STACK_NAME" }}_app
(using the often obscure dark magic of the Golang templating language). You can find examples of this approach used in the Peertube recipe.
How are recipes versioned?¶
We'll use an example to work through this. Let's use Gitea.
The Gitea project maintains a version, e.g. 1.14.3
. This version uses the semver strategy for communicating what type of changes are included in each version, i.e., if there is a breaking change, Gitea will release a new version as 2.0.0
However, there are other types of changes that can happen for a recipe. Perhaps the database image gets a breaking update or the actual recipe configuration changes some environment variable. This can mean that end-users of the recipe need to do some work to make sure their updates will deploy successfully.
Therefore, we maintain an additional version part, in front of the project version. So, the first release of the Gitea recipe in the Co-op Cloud project has the version of 1.0.0+1.14.3
. This x.y.z+
is the version part that the recipe maintainer manages. If a new available Gitea version comes out as 1.15
then the recipe maintainer will publish 1.1.0+1.15
as this is a backwards compatible update, following semantic versioning.
In all cases, we follow the semver semantics. So, if we upgrade the Gitea recipe from 1.14.3
to 1.15.3
, we still publish 1.1.0+1.15.3
as our recipe version. In this case, we skipped a few patch releases but it was all backwards compatible, so we only increment the minor version part.
How do I release a new recipe version?¶
The commands uses for dealing with recipe versioning in abra
abra recipe upgrade
: upgrade the image tags in the compose configs of a recipeabra recipe sync
: upgrade the deploy labels to match the new recipe versionabra recipe release
: publish a git tag for the recipe repo
The abra
recipe publishing commands have been designed to complement a semi-automatic workflow. If abra
breaks or doesn't understand what is going on, you can always finish the process manually with a few Git commands and a bit of luck. We designed abra
to support this way due to the chaotic nature of container publishing versioning schemes.
Let's take a practical example, publishing a new version of Wordpress.
If we run abra recipe upgrade wordpress
(at time of running), we end up with a prompt to upgrade Wordpress to 5.9.0
. We can skip the database upgrade for now. Here is what that looks like:
➜ ~ abra recipe upgrade wordpress
? upgrade to which tag? (service: app, image: wordpress, tag: 5.8.3) 5.9.0
? upgrade to which tag? (service: db, image: mariadb, tag: 10.6) skip
WARN[0004] not upgrading mariadb, skipping as requested
Now, what happened? abra
queried the upstream container repositories of all the images listed in the Wordpress recipe configuration and checked if there are new tags available. Once you make some choices on the prompt, abra
will update the recipe configurations. Let's take a look by running cd ~/.abra/recipes/wordpress && git diff
diff --git a/compose.yml b/compose.yml
index 1618ef5..6cd754d 100644
--- a/compose.yml
+++ b/compose.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ version: "3.8"
- image: "wordpress:5.8.3"
+ image: "wordpress:5.9.0"
- "wordpress_content:/var/www/html/wp-content/"
Here be versioning dragons
doesn't understand all image tags unfortunately. There are limitations which we're still running into. You can pass -a
to have abra
list all available image tags from the upstream repository and then make a choice manually. See tagcmp
for more info on how we implement image parsing.
Next, we need to update the label in the recipe, we can do that with abra recipe sync wordpress
. You'll be prompted by a question asking what kind of upgrade this is. Take a moment to read the output and if it still doesn't make sense, read this. Since we're upgrading from 5.8.3
-> 5.9.0
, it is a minor release, so we choose minor
➜ wordpress (master) ✗ abra recipe sync wordpress
INFO[0088] synced label coop-cloud.${STACK_NAME}.version=1.1.0+5.9.0 to service app
Once again, we can run cd ~/.abra/recipes/wordpress && git diff
to see what abra
has done for us:
diff --git a/compose.yml b/compose.yml
index 1618ef5..4a08db6 100644
--- a/compose.yml
+++ b/compose.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ version: "3.8"
- image: "wordpress:5.8.3"
+ image: "wordpress:5.9.0"
- "wordpress_content:/var/www/html/wp-content/"
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ services:
#- "traefik.http.routers.${STACK_NAME}.rule=HostRegexp(`{subdomain:.+}.${DOMAIN}`, `${DOMAIN}`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.${STACK_NAME}.tls.certresolver=${LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV}"
- "traefik.http.routers.${STACK_NAME}.entrypoints=web-secure"
- - "coop-cloud.${STACK_NAME}.version=1.0.2+5.8.3"
+ - "coop-cloud.${STACK_NAME}.version=1.1.0+5.9.0"
- "backupbot.backup=true"
- "backupbot.backup.path=/var/www/html"
You'll notice that abra
figured out how to upgrade the Co-op Cloud version label according to our choice, 1.0.2
-> 1.1.0
is a minor update.
At this point, we're all set, we can run abra recipe release --publish wordpress
. This will do the following:
- run
git commit
the new changes - run
git tag
to create a new git tag named1.1.0+5.9.0
- run
git push
to publish changes to the Wordpress repository
Here be more SSH dragons
In order to have abra
publish changes for you automatically, you'll have to have write permissons to the repository and your account must have a working SSH key configuration. abra
will use the SSH based URL connection details for Git by automagically creating an origin-ssh
remote in the repository and pushing to it.
Here is the output:
WARN[0000] discovered 1.1.0+5.9.0 as currently synced recipe label
WARN[0000] previous git tags detected, assuming this is a new semver release
? current: 1.0.2+5.8.3, new: 1.1.0+5.9.0, correct? Yes
new release published:
And once more, we can validate this tag has been created with cd ~/.abra/recipes/wordpress && git tag -l
How are new recipe versions tested?¶
This is currently a manual process. Our best estimates are to do a backup and run a test deployment and see how things go.
Following the entry above, before running abra recipe release --publish <recipe>
, you can deploy the new version of the recipe. You find an app that relies on this recipe and pass -C/--chaos
to ugrade
so that it accepts the locally unstaged changes.
Here be more SSH dragons
In order to have abra
publish changes for you automatically, you'll have to have write permissons to the repository and your account must have a working SSH key configuration. abra
will use the SSH based URL connection details for Git by automagically creating an origin-ssh
remote in the repository and pushing to it.
It is good practice to take note of all the issues you ran into and share them with other operators. See this entry for more.
If you don't have time or are not an operator, reach out on our communication channels for an operator willing to do some testing.
How do I write version release notes?¶
In the root of your recipe repository, run the following (if the folder doesn't already exist):
mkdir -p release
And then create a text file which corresponds to the version release, e.g. 1.1.0+5.9.0
and write some notes. abra
will show these when another operator runs abra app deploy
/ abra app upgrade
You can also add release notes for the next release into a special file release/next
. This file will be used when running abra recipe release
Not available previous versions of Abra
Using release/next
is only available in > 0.9.x series of abra
How do I generate the recipe catalogue¶
To generate an entire new copy of the catalogue:
abra catalogue generate
You will most likely want to pass --user/--username
/ --pass/--password
with container regsitry credentials to avoid rate limiting.
If you just want to generate a catalogue entry for a single recipe:
abra catalogue generate <recipe>
The changes are generated and added to ~/.abra/catalogue
, you can validate what is done by running:
cd ~/.abra/catalogue
git diff
You can pass --publish
to have abra
automatically publish those changes.
Here be more SSH dragons
In order to have abra
publish changes for you automatically, you'll have to have write permissons to the repository and your account must have a working SSH key configuration. abra
will use the SSH based URL connection details for Git by automagically creating an origin-ssh
remote in the repository and pushing to it.
How is I make the catalogue automatically regenerate after new versions are published?¶
"I'd like to make it so that whenever I push a new git tag to the
(probably using abra recipe
), it automatically does the
recipe catalogue generation steps"
- Check whether tag builds are already trying to run: go to, search for the recipe name (in this case taking
you to If there are
failing builds, or if you see builds succeeding but catalogue regeneration
doesn't seem to be happening, then either dive in and try and fix it, or ask
for help in
- Otherwise, click "activate repository". You probably want to set the "disable pull requests" and "disable forks" options; they won't work anyway, but the failures might be confusing.
- Make sure there is a
generate recipe catalogue
step in the recipe's.drone.yml
-- if there isn't, you can copy the one fromcoop-cloud/rallly
unchanged. - That's it! Now, when you push a new tag, the recipe catalogue will regenerate
automatically. You can test this by re-pushing a tag (e.g.
git push origin :0.5.0+3.5.1 && git push 0.5.0+3.5.1
How does automatic catalogue regeneration work?¶
How do I enable healthchecks¶
A healthcheck is an important and often overlooked part of the recipe configuration. It is part of the configuration that the runtime uses to figure out if a container is really up-and-running. You can tweak what command to run, how often and how many times to try until you assume the container is not up.
There are no real univesal configs and most maintainers just pick up what others are doing and try to adapt. There is some testing involved to see what works well. You can browse the existing recipe repositories and see from there.
You'll often find the same one used for things like caches & supporting services, such as Redis:
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"]
If you're just starting off with packaging a recipe, you can use healthcheck: disable
until you have something working. It's definitely advised to work out your healthcheck as a last step, it can be a bit tricky.
abra app errors -w <domain>
will show what errors are being reported from a failing healtcheck setup.
How do I tune deploy configs?¶
A bit like healtchecks, there is no universal setup. A good default seems to be the following configuration:
failure_action: rollback
order: start-first
order: start-first
max_attempts: 3
The start-first
setting ensures that the container runtime tries to start up the new container and get it running before switching over to it.
Setting a restart policy is also good so that the runtime doesn't try to restart the container forever.
Best to read the docs on this one.
How do I tune resource limits?¶
If you don't place resource limits on your app it will assume it can use the entire capacity of the server it is on. This can cause issues such as Out-Of Memory errors for your entire swarm.
See the Docker documentation to get into this topic and check the other recipes to see what other maintainers are doing.
How do I enable A+ SSL ratings?¶
If you want to get the highest rating on SSL certs, you can use the following traefik labels which use a tweaked Traefik configuration.
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.tls.options=default@file"
- "traefik.http.routers.traefik.middlewares=security@file"
See this PR for the technical details
How do I change secret generation length?¶
It is possible to tell abra
which length it should generate secrets with from your recipe config.
You do this by adding a inline comment to the secret definition in the .env.sample
/ .env
Here are examples from the gitea recipe:
When using this length specifier, abra
will not use the "easy to remember
word" style generator but instead a string of characters to match the exact
length. This can be useful if you have to generate "key" style values instead
of passwords which admins have to type out in database shells.
How are recipes added to the catalogue?¶
This is so far a manual process which requires someone who's been added to the
"Organisation" on This is a temporary situation, we want to open out this process & also introduce some automation to support making thie process more convenient. Please nag us to move things along.
- Publish your new recipe on the "Organisation"
- Run
abra catalogue generate <recipe> -p
- Run
cd ~/.abra/catalogue && make
These minimal steps will publish a new recipe with no versions. You can also do
the recipe release publishing dance
which will then extend the versions: [...]
section of the published JSON in the catalogue.
Recipes that are not included in the catalogue can still be deployed. It is not required to add your recipes to the catalogue, but this will improve the visibility for other co-op hosters & end-users.
For now, it is best to get in touch if you want to add your recipe to the catalogue.
In the future, we'd like to support multiple catalogues.
How do I configure backup/restore?¶
From the perspective of the recipe maintainer, backup/restore is just more
deploy: ...
labels. Tools can read these labels and then perform the
backup/restore logic.
Two of the current "blessed" options are
Please see the
for the full docs.
will read labels and store backups in ~/.abra/backups/...
For backup, here are the labels & some examples:
: turn on backup logicbackupbot.backup.pre-hook=mysqldump -u root -pghost ghost --tab /var/lib/foo
: command to run before backing -rf /var/lib/mysql-files/*
: command to run after backing upbackupbot.backup.path=/var/lib/foo,/var/lib/bar
: paths to back up
You place these on your recipe configuration and then tools can run backups.
Restore, in this context means, "moving a compressed archive back to the
container backup paths". So, if you set
and you have a backed up
archive, tooling will unzip files in the archive back to those paths.
In the case of restoring database tables, you can use the pre-hook
commands to run the insertion logic.
Can I override a service within a recipe?¶
You can use this docker-compose
trick to do this.
If you have a recipe that is using a mysql
service and you'd like to use postgresql
instead, you can create a compose.psql.yml
An example of this is the selfoss
recipe. The default is sqlite
but there is a postgresql
compose configuration there too.
How do I set a custom entrypoint?¶
For more context, see the
section. The following configuration example is ripped from the coop-cloud/peertube
recipe but shortened down. Here are more or less the steps you need to take:
Define a config:
- source: app_entrypoint
target: /
mode: 0555
name: ${STACK_NAME}_app_entrypoint_${APP_ENTRYPOINT_VERSION}
template_driver: golang
Define a
set -e
file_env() {
local var="$1"
local fileVar="${var}_FILE"
local def="${2:-}"
if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
echo >&2 "error: both $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)"
exit 1
local val="$def"
if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then
elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
val="$(< "${!fileVar}")"
export "$var"="$val"
unset "$fileVar"
{{ if eq (env "PEERTUBE_SMTP_ENABLED") "1" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq (env "PEERTUBE_LIVE_CHAT_ENABLED") "1" }}
apt -y update && apt install -y prosody && apt -y clean
mkdir -p /run/prosody && chown prosody:prosody /run/prosody
{{ end }}
# Copy the client files over to a named volume
# so that they may be served by nginx directly
cp -ar /app/client/dist /srv/client
# upstream entrypoint
/usr/local/bin/ "$@"
Please note:
hack is to pass secrets into the container runtime without exposing them in plaintext in the configuration. See this entry for more. -
In order to pass execution back to the original entrypoint, it's a good idea to find the original entrypoint script and run it from your own entrypoint script. If there is none, you may want to reference the
definition or if that isn't working, try to actually specifycmd: ...
in thecompose.yml
definition (there are other recipes which do this). -
If you're feeling reckless, you can also use the Golang templating engine to do things conditionally.
Then, wire up the vendored config version:
You should be able to deploy this overriden configuration now.
Linting rules¶
R015: "long secret names"¶
Due to limitations placed by the Docker runtime, secret names must be < 64
characters long. Due to convetions in recipe configuration and how abra
works, several characters are appended to secret names during a deployment.
This means if you have a domain
and a secret foo_pass
, you'll
end up with something like example_org_foo_pass_v1
being used for the secret
Based on a discussion in
looking on what is implemented currently in existing recipes, we came up with a
general rule of thumb that secret names in recipe configurations should be < 12
characters long to avoid errors on deployment.
R014: "invalid lightweight tag"¶
This is an issue related to the way Git/go-git
handle Git tags internally. We
need to use "annotated tags" and not "lightweight tags" for our recipe versions
tags. Otherwise, abra
has a hard time parsing what is going on.
The R01O4
linting error happens because the recipe in question has a
lightweight tag. This needs to be replaced. This is a manual process. Here's a
practical example with the Gitea recipe when we had this issue.
You can validate what kind of tag is which by running the following:
git for-each-ref refs/tags
734045872a57d795cd54b1992a1753893a4934f1 tag refs/tags/1.0.0+1.14.5-rootless
b2cefa5ccf2f2f77dae54cf6c304cccecb3547ca tag refs/tags/1.1.0+1.15.0-rootless
6d669112d8caafcdcf4eb1485f2d6afdb54a8e30 tag refs/tags/1.1.1+1.15.3-rootless
64761ad187cc7a3984a37dd9abd4fa16979f97b9 tag refs/tags/1.1.2+1.15.6-rootless
1ccb1cb6a63a08eebf6ba5508b676eaaccba7ed8 tag refs/tags/1.1.3+1.15.10-rootless
b86e1f6dfef3c464b16736274b3cd95f8978f66b tag refs/tags/1.2.0+1.16.3-rootless
b1d22f3c39ca768a4efa1a0b9b9f780268c924b3 tag refs/tags/1.2.1+1.16.8-rootless
85a45aa749427822a73ef62b6362d57bae1a61af tag refs/tags/1.3.0+1.17.2-rootless
f35689989c0b57575b8362e1252476d8133dc961 commit refs/tags/1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
df015fae592fca7728a3f0835217e110da4dbafc tag refs/tags/2.0.0+1.18.0-rootless
71920adb0c25a59f7678894e39f1a705f0ad08dd tag refs/tags/2.0.1+1.18.2-rootless
1ab9a96922341c8e54bdb6d60850630cce4b9587 tag refs/tags/2.1.0+1.18.5-rootless
1e612d84a2ad7c9beb7aa064701a520c7e91eecc commit refs/tags/2.1.2+1.19.3-rootless
0bee99615a8bbd534a66a315ee088af3124e054b tag refs/tags/2.2.0+1.19.3-rootless
699378f53501b2d5079fa62cc7f8e79930da7540 tag refs/tags/2.3.0+1.20.1-rootless
c0dc5f82930d875c0a6e29abc016b4f6a53b83dd tag refs/tags/2.3.1+1.20.1-rootless
Where f35689989c0b57575b8362e1252476d8133dc961
need to be removed ("commit"). We
will deal with refs/tags/1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
in this example.
# find the tag hash
git show 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
commit f35689989c0b57575b8362e1252476d8133dc961 (tag: 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless)
Merge: af97db8 1d4dc8e
Author: decentral1se <>
Date: Sun Nov 13 21:54:01 2022 +0000
Merge pull request 'Adding Oauth2 options and up on versions' (#29) from javielico/gitea:master into master
# delete the tag locally / remotely
git tag -d 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
git push origin 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless --delete
# re-tag, this time with `-a` (annotated)
git checkout f35689989c0b57575b8362e1252476d8133dc961
git tag -a 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
# push new tag
git checkout master # might be main on other recipes!
git push origin master --tags
# check everything works
git for-each-ref refs/tags | grep 1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
964f1680000fbba6daa520aa8d533a53ad151ab8 tag refs/tags/1.3.1+1.17.3-rootless
That's it! Spread the word, use -a
when tagging recipe versions manually! Or
just use abra
which should handle this issue automagically for you in all
cases 🎉