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Abra cheat sheet


not all flags are listed here.

Abra Autocomplete

Definitely set up autocomplete or you'll be sad 😭 abra supports bash, zsh, and fizsh just run

$ abra autocomplete bash
# Restart your terminal or load autocompletion in place
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/abra

Create & deploy an app

$ abra app new $RECIPE`

Optional flags: -s/--server, -D/--domain, -S/--secrets, -p/--pass

$ abra app config $APPNAME
$ abra app secret generate $APPNAME -a

Optional flags: -p/--pass, -a/--all

$ abra app deploy $APPNAME

Optional flags: -f/--force, -C/--chaos

Restarting an app

To run restart you need to specify the <service> name with the default being app

$ abra app restart <domain> app

Undeploy & remove an app

Back up any data you don't want to lose

$ abra app undeploy $APPNAME
$ abra app rm --volumes $APPNAME

Optional flags: -f/--force, -V/--volumes

Upgrade abra

To upgrade abra itself, run the following:

$ abra upgrade

Option flags: --rc

Upgrade a recipe

$ abra recipe upgrade $RECIPE`

Option flags: -x,y,z/--major,minor,patch

$ abra recipe sync $RECIPE

Optional flags: -x,y,z

$ abra recipe release $RECIPE [$VERSION]

Optional flags: -p/--publish, -r/--dry-run, -x,y,z

Manually restoring app data

To manually restore app data or configurations, you can use the cp command as:

$ abra app cp <domain> path/to/.app.conf app:/home/app/
$ abra app cp <domain> path/to/data app:/home/app/

Note: the destination must be a directory and not a filename

Make changes to a recipe

Edit the files in ~/.abra/recipe/$RECIPENAME

Deploy the changed version to your test instance

Determine how serious your change is ( for reference)

$ abra recipe release $RECIPE [$VERSION]

Advanced Listing using jq

Several abra commands can output JSON formatted tables, and can thus be queried and filtered with the tool jq. We can also format these outputs with tv into a pretty table.

Currently, abra recipe ls, abra server ls, and abra app ls support the -m machine readable output flag which outputs JSON.

Filter recipes by "category"

$ abra recipe ls -m | jq '[.[] | select(.category == "Utilities") ]' | tv

As you can see we, we're selecting all recipes where category is "Utilities".

Filter apps by state deployed


abra app ls -S queries each server in your added server list, where as without the -S it only lists from your local copy of the sever files (thus providing no information about actual state of the apps)


abra app ls lists apps grouped into a server object, with statistics about the server. In jq we can select the entire apps list with .[].apps[].

$ abra app ls -m -S |jq '[.[].apps[] | select(.status == "deployed") | del(.upgrade)]' |tv

The del(.upgrade) filter filters out available versions for the recipe in question for that row. It could be useful to leave in if you want a list of deployed apps that need an upgrade.